Winter Wildflowers

Woollsia pungens

 Sunday 9th June

All my clothes were in need of washing and  the previous night I was back too late to run the washing machine so I rinsed out a few basics before I went to bed.  It's been a while since I ironed my clothes dry in the morning before donning them.

Epacris longifolia

Coffee and breakfast and further laundry duties and it was time to check in with Gail about today's plans.  Late morning we set off for the Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden - which I had never heard of and Gail had not previously visited.

Acacia suoveolens

A most comfortable ride in Gail's car - and a little detour when we couldn't get into the correct lane to turn and another when navigation failed to alert us to turn into the gate of the Garden.  I am glad that such things also happen to those who live here, as well as me as a visitor.

Hakea gibbosa

We procured a map, inspected the exhibit identifying plants currently in flower, and started to explore.  We needed to backtrack at one stage as we were convinced we were not on the intended track.  

Actinotus minor - Lesser Flannel Flower

We spent a delightful couple of hours wandering slowly and looking at the plants, spotting and trying to identify those in flower, and listening to and trying (unsuccessfully) to spot the frogs.  

Philotheca difformis ssp smithiana

There was plentiful birdlife - we mainly heard them rather than seeing them, but I did spot a little wattle bird.

Bossiaea sp (I think)

The return journey seemed shorter than the trip there, although it was over the same route.

Grevillea speciosa - Red spider flower

Gail dropped me back at my accommodation and I wandered across to the train station complex to get a minimum of groceries to enhance my dinner.  

Happy wanderer
Hardenbergia sp

Getting out of the station complex and heading in the correct direction took as much time as it previously has :( 

Native violet - Viola hederacea

It was sunset by the time I returned - and a very pretty sunset it was too.

Acacia ulicifolia
Goodenia ovata
Westrigia fruiticosa - coastal rosemary

No idea what this lovely fern is
Epacris pulchella (maybe)

A lovely banksia
- maybe oblongifolia

A lovely banksia - maybe oblongifolia
A lovely banksia - maybe oblongifolia


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