Another lovely day out with Jonathon

With Jonathon at Barrenjoey Light

Monday 10th June

It was a cool, clear start to the day as I headed across to Westfield to purchase my insurance against serious rain for the rest of my trip.  

Insurance was duly found (after as much difficulty navigating my way around the Westfield building as I'd had navigating my way across Sydney tunnels) and took the form of a brand new gortex raincoat.  My colour choice was as per that for Model-T Fords, but it has good reviews and was on sale.

A bit like Grand Central Station on the beach

Then it was time to head to Jonathon and Yu Rong's to see what their thoughts were regarding plans for the day.  I indicated I was happy to walk - but not at as fast a pace as Jonathon started at on Saturday.  He suggested Palm Beach and the walk to Barrenjoey light - a much shorter walk but it did involve a short, steep ascent with fabulous views.  However, before we tackled the walk, Jonathon had booked us into Barrenjoey House restaurant for lunch - I had a delicious lunch of calimari and he had a wonderful lobster thermidor on flatbread, accompanied by a steak tartare - I indulged in a tiny taste of both and found them also to be most delicious.

Great rock formation
the young coupled offered to move for my picture
but they looked very comfortable

The walk to Barrenjoey light started with a short stroll along the beach - us and a couple of hundred other people - I was reminded how lucky we can be taking a stroll on an almost deserted Tassie beach!

We chose to ascend and descend via different routes, ascending via the steeper one (easier on my knees)  It's a very well formed path - sandstone steps most of the way, with excellent views.  And great panoramas from the top.

Fabulous views from half way up

The descent was the more gentle route, still a particularly well formed track which is probably good given the number of visitors while we were using it.

And even more panoramic views from the top

I did wonder about the young women who had undertaken the walk in her skirt and high heeled boots....

Both the ascent and descent offered some fabulous rocks - sandstone formations which seem to be quite common around Sydney.

More great views from the top

It was lovely to visit yet another place in Sydney I had not been to.

On our return to Chatswood we shopped for food for a bbq and I treated us to some particularly good steaks from a real butcher.  I cannot but help comparing prices with those at home, but as Jonathon pointed out, the cost of rental of retail space is exorbitant in comparison.

A lovely sandstone lighthouse

As promised, after dinner (during which I experienced Jonathon's excellent cooking on the BBQ and using the airfryer they had chosen as a gift from me to them) Jonathon made me a decaff latte with oat milk - on being asked what I thought of the oat milk my response was I didn't really notice I was drinking it - so I am prepared to make the switch.  

More great sandstone formations

Also as promised, Jonathon assisted with setting up card payments from my phone - I obviously need to move further into the digital age!  It will be convenient not to need to carry so many cards with me.

And, I was shown the good quality wedding photos - some utterly beautiful shots put together in a high quality album.  I had only seen some of the early proofs (which were gorgeous).  I wait with anticipation to receive the quality photos I have chosen so that I may get some prints done.


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