More Flexibility Required

Severe Weather Warning

 Thursday 6th June

Il pleut à verse;  it's bucketing down; it's raining cats and dogs... I think you get the picture.

Goulburn had received 38mm of rain between when I arrived the previous day and 9am the following morning.  With a rainfall forecast of between 50mm and 140mm of rain for Fitzroy Falls (my plan for the day), along with a severe weather warning for persistent heavy rain with a risk of flash flooding in the broader area, I felt disinclined to do much driving.  

Contemplating some Goulburn indoor activities (coffee shop, art gallery ...) I called reception who kindly reorganised their bookings so I can stay another night.

Roses Cafe

It's  not the sort of place I would have chosen to spend 2 nights, but under the circumstances ...

So what to do in Goulburn on a wet day?  I started with a coffee at Roses Cafe, and very nice it was too!  I chose a salmon and camembert frittata to accompany it and I now feel as if I won't be able to eat for at least a week.  It was very rich!

Shakes Head at Self

Then to the Goulburn Regional Art Gallery which currently houses an exhibition of local talent.  Colourful, and one artist at least is in possession of a sense of humour with her LED light exhibit entitled Shakes Head at Self!  

Wondering in the Mist

Apart from that, there was a lot that was bright and bold, some that was just a little weird and only a couple that I'd have contemplated giving wall space to - one a junior entry and a line drawing entitled Wondering in the Mist.

Lots of colour

Opposite the gallery is a very elegant church - St Saviour's Cathedral, so I went to look.  

St Saviour's Cathedral

A beautiful piece of architecture, with lovely stained glass and painstakingly handmade tapestry kneelers but, and it's almost a cliche, in need of funds for repairs (to the roof among other things - as was evidenced by strategically placed buckets.  The tuning of the organ was in progress and even to my ear, that was, at times both piercing and discordant.

Beautiful handworked kneeler

Then back to my little cabin via a book exchange where I swopped one trashy novel street library book (discarded during chapter 3) for another which I hope is less trashy.


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