I do like to be beside the seaside!

Bermagui's Blue Pool
Monday 17th June

There was a short, light shower early this morning but otherwise the rain didn't significantly eventuate in Bermagui. The wind, however, was consistent, with some strong gusts, so my choice for a cabin was a good one. The wind would have been enough to necessitate putting away the awning had I been camping.
A but splashy looking down towards Blue Pool

Morning conversations with two dive operators in Eden suggested that my dive gear is going to remain dry and my new wet suit will still not have seen interstate water.  

The first, a young woman, said they's dived a couple of days ago and conditions were quite good - when asked to quantify, they'd dived in 3-5m of water with 3-5m of visibility - I suggested we had different definitions of good! 
Looking south from the Blue Pool Lookout
The second, a male of not such junior years, judging from the voice, simply laughed!  The rain over the past few days has put dirty water from the rivers into the ocean and there is surf!!

I started my travels with a return visit to Blue Pool and while the surf was perhaps not as bad as yesterday, and I was prepared to go down the steps to the lookout platform, the surf was still coming into the pool and there was no way I was tempted to swim, although one gentleman had clearly been more intrepid than me!

A pelican on Fisherman's Harbout

So from there, to a cafe that had been recommended. It was a little bit of a non-event for me because I couldn't do a coffee with anything other than full cream milk and they had virtually nothing that was gluten-free. I proceeded to try and find the giant squid which appears not to exist (also confirmed by a local lady whose expression clearly conveyed she didn't have a clue what I was talking about) A short walk around Fisherman's Harbour provided a little history and some picturesque views of the water and local avian fauna - and for those into boats it would have been heaven. 

Cuttagee Beach
My tastebuds had been tantalised by the thought of coffee at the recommended place, so I stopped at a cafe which offered latte with lactose free milk and a gluten-free ginger cookie, which was extremely solid but very tasty. 
I did enjoy lingering over my coffee and looking at the Fisherman's Harbour, with the sun sparkling on the water and the pelicans swimming here and there. I did spot one pelican coming into land, which is always entertaining to watch, and I also watched the gusts of wind riffling the water from time to time.
Cutagee Beach across the Lake Entrance

I stopped at Cuttagee Beach near the entrance to Cuttagee Lake. I'd forgotten just how many of these coastal lakes there are down this section of the New South Wales coast; they're all rather beautiful. so Cuttagee Beach is just a gorgeous stretch of sand, with the surf, of course, rolling in. From beach level, I noticed just how lumpy the horizon was - I wouldn't want to be out in a boat! The bridge over Cuttagee Lake's entrance is primarily an old timber bridge but through the deeper parts of the entrance it's concrete pylons.
Cuttagee Lake Bridge

And I was still not tempted to swim, not that I'm ever tempted to swim from an open ocean beach that I don't know.

The lady at the caravan park had recommended a short walk from Aragunnu campground.  Google told me to turn left, but a sign on a gate announced thou shalt not pass (or words to that effect) and since there was no Dark Knight guard with whom to do battle I turned around and continued my journey.
'beach flowers'
as my North Sikkim guide would have said

I passed a sign to Biamanga Falls, but it was an 18 kilometre each way detour and I had no internet to find out anything about it at that location, so continued on my way.

"Thou shalt not pass"

As I got out of the car at Bega River for a comfort stop, I was reminded of the bellbirds I heard last year, as a consistent ding ding noise emanated from the trees.
Headland after headland after headland...

I arrived at Tathra Wharf and parked just a little bit up the road to admire the view that stretched away before me to the north; headland after headland after headland, all progressively more obscured by the  wind blown spray from the surf.  It was pretty stunning; the sea was rolling in quite well by the wharf.
Tathra Beach:
swimming prohibited between 8am & 8pm
until 1902
Who could contemplate such immoral activity!

I did the short walk around the Tathra Headland and was amused by the sign that says bathing on Tetra beach was prohibited between 8 a.m. and p.m. until1902.
From Chamberlain Lookout

I took a short detour to the Chamberlain Lookout and then down to Kianinny Bay.

Old Man's Head Rock guards the bar
 at Kianinny Bay

Kianinny Bay is a supposedly sheltered boat launching area; today you wouldn't want to try to get a boat out past the bar. Old Man's Head Rock guards the bar and it was very rough.  The area has a lovely picnic spot and apparently is very popular in summer.
From a lookout along Tura Headland

A male kangaroo watched me as I drove around the turning circle, and while he tolerated me stopping and even winding down the window, he was camera shy - so no decent picture!
These were plentiful on the Tura Headland walk
While I wouldn't want to share living space
 with them, I was content to admire their legs

I did a short walk out onto Tura Headland and looked at the Tura rock pool.  While it does look interesting to explore, along with a few other little inlets on the way, the sea conditions are not conducive to such activity. 
On the northern side of Tura Headland

To the south, the weather was not looking great, so it didn't take much to convince me that serious undercover accommodation was appropriate for the night.  I called ahead to Eden Discovery Parks, where I'd stayed last year, and was offered a reasonable rate - and when I arrived, they'd allocated me one of their better 'beachfront' cabins - I like these upgrades and deals I am sometimes getting with last minute bookings.
Tura Rockpool
I can only imagine investigating it in calmer seas


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